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Juni 2021
  • Anwendung von PALM4U Teil 2
  • Einfluss des HBEFA 4.1 auf die Modellierung der NO2-Immissionen - Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen
Dezember 2020
  • Study of daylight on buildings pursuant to DIN EN 17037
  • Quantification of abraded particles from vehicles
  • SAMS – system for modeling air pollutant dispersion during and after accidental releases
December 2019
  • Environmentally sensitive traffic management
  • Modeling ultrafine particles at and around Frankfurt Airport
  • Calculating depositions in light of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD)
  • Karlsruhe

    An der Rossweid 15
    76229 Karlsruhe

  • Dresden

    Friedrichstraße 24
    01067 Dresden

  • Bochum

    Wasserstr. 223
    44799 Bochum

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